The Sculptor
[ 2 rounds HIIT ] + [ 2 rounds STR & TONING ]
A sculptor is someone who carves, chisels, and shapes seemingly formless material into beautiful pieces of art. They work meticulously to perfect their art until they see are content with what they see and for this reason there is
no better metaphor for our workout than the sculptor.
If you’ve ever wanted to grow, strengthen, or tone your butt, quads, hamstrings, and calves then this is the workout for you!
The Beach Bod
[ 1 round HIIT ] + [ 3 rounds STR & TONING ]
Summer beach trips are an opportunity for you to show off all the hard work and dedication you’ve been putting in.
Whether you want to put on your swim suit to show off all the new gains, or want to tear up some
waves on a surfboard to test out your newly gained athleticism, the beach is one of the
few places we can do so with (relatively) no judgement!
The Beach Bod takes the lower body elements of The Sculptor and sprinkles in a bit of upper body and core.
So if you're looking to strengthen, tone, and improve your entire lower body while also
hitting a a little bit of everything else, The Beach Bod is the class for you!
Highlight reel of Fielders enjoying torturing their legs for all the gains.